• Porsche Tysons Corner

Mar 25, 2022

Your tires are subject to constant wear. They’re also one of your Porsches’ most important safety features. Good quality tires help to maintain your car’s excellent cornering, balance, and control. Worn tires make it difficult for even a Porsche to maintain traction, and this can lead to an accident. When you need new tires your Porsche dealer has the correct sizes and models available for you.

Is It Time To Get New Tires

Air Leak

It’s important to always check your tire pressure. The correct pressure for your tires is recorded in your car manual, and it’s also marked on a plaque on the inside of the drivers’ door. The pressure is marked in pounds per square inch (PSI), and it’s the recommended level based on your car’s engineers’ calculations. If you find that your tire pressure drops by a small amount within a week, it can mean that you have a slow leak that can be fixed.

A large drop in tire pressure during the week means that your tire has been punctured. If the leak is in the tread we recommend replacing the tire rather than patching it. A leak in the sidewall of a tire can.t be repaired as the rubber is softer, and your tire will need to be replaced.

Uneven Wear

If parts of your tires look fine but other parts are worn, your tires are wearing unevenly. This wear could’ve been caused by incorrect tire pressure, misaligned wheels, an unbalanced wheel, or even damage to the suspension. Our expert technicians will examine your car and find and repair the cause of the uneven wear. If your tires are not seriously damaged, we would also rotate your tires to spread the wear evenly.

Cracks in the Tires

The rubber on your tires is tough and designed to last. Time, rough driving conditions, and extreme heat or cold can all degrade the rubber. Your tires will start to lose their elasticity, and cracks will start to appear. These cracks will spread and can lead to leaks. If the rubber of a tire has these cracks, it will have to be replaced.

Side Bubbles

A bubble in the sidewall or tread of a tire not only looks odd, it means your tire has been seriously weakened. The bubble is formed from damage that allows air to get into your tire and build up between the internal layers. This weakness can’t be patched or repaired and the tire will need to be replaced.

Reduced Traction

As your tires move, the treads slowly wear down. Tread plays a vital role, as it gives your tires a firm grip on the surface. The more worn your tread, the less grip your tires have. Additionally, worn tread reduces the grooves between the tread. These grooves allow water and slush to run off your tires.

When your tires are worn, call our service department at Porsche Tysons Corner and we can replace them for you.